WOW!! Its been a really long time since I have been on here. I look at other blogs all the time and then just never get around to updating my own. Well of course a lot has happened since I last posted. The biggest thing being that we had a new addition to our family. Makinlee Kaye was born on August 4th, 2011. She was 6lbs. 6oz. and 18 inches long. I had to have an emergency c-section with Preslee and I really didn't want to do that again so I tried for a VBAC(vaginal birth after cesarean). I started having contractions that were about 7 minutes apart on the 3rd at 5:30 PM. I decided that I didn't want to just sit around and wait for them to get stronger so I went to scouts. I didn't know it but they were doing a scavenger hunt walking around the whole neighborhood. I thought that was great because it would help my labor along. When I got home the contractions were 4 minutes apart. I got in the shower because I had been outside and stunk and wanted to look less hideous with this labor than I did with Preslee. In the shower I noticed a little trickle of fluid coming out so we hurried to get ready and got in the car to head to the hospital. About a block from the house my water totally broke in the car all over the cloth seats. That is the weirdest feeling on earth! So gross! When we got checked in my contractions were a minute apart and I was in a ton of pain. But when they checked me I was only 1cm dilated. Uggg!! They let me get an epidural though so that was amazing. I don't know how people do it naturally. Definitely not for me. Makinlee's heart rate kept dropping during the night so they kept telling me that I may have to have another c-section. They just kept a close eye on her and by 9:15 AM I was ready to push. It only took 45 minutes and she was out. I felt sooooo much better than with the c-section. It was a world of difference. Unfortunately I had two third degree tears which were pretty uncomfortable but still didn't even compare to the pain of a major abdominal surgery. I highly recommend the VBAC!!
Preslee is a good big sister. She REALLY loves her baby sis. A little too much. She gets a little jealous sometimes but we really try to give her a lot of attention and extra love and include her in everything that we do.
Makinlee is a really mellow baby. She only wakes up twice a night which is way better than Preslee who was every two hours on the dot. Preslee isn't potty trained yet so we go through a ton of diapers. Sometimes I feel like that's all I do, change diapers and clean up messes. Being a stay at home mommy is by far the hardest job I have ever had. Its well worth it though. I couldn't have made it without the help of my family and Nick's family. We are so blessed. They all live close and are so willing to help any way they can. I love them all so much.